Mobile Meeting Guide

Register for the meeting, book a hotel room, view the attendee list, complete evaluations, claim CME, view posters, follow last-minute program changes and more - this app does it all. Faculty will love the easy upload site for their syllabus material. Staff will love how easy it is to manage a meeting with our MMG.

Use our innovative Mobile Meeting Guide 3.0 in-person, hybrid or virtual that your delegates will love.

  • Deliver your content seamlessly by livestream
  • Enjoy the user-friendly format and ability to log in and watch lectures remotely
  • Facilitate live panel discussions with speakers and moderators
  • Attract faculty from around the world to speak virtually at your meeting
  • Experience higher than normal volumes of registrants
  • Make virtual a part of all your meetings to attract new members
  • Enable your registrants to optimize their time away from their practice by using our virtual platform


Your One-Stop-Shop Meeting Planner

Our popular Mobile Meeting Guide replaces the traditional syllabus that others provide with a mobile responsive online product that your registrants will love.

  • Post welcome messages and set automated alerts for other announcements
  • Submit your program to be entered into our flexible scheduling system
  • Provide hotel registration links and floor plan details
  • Create meeting evaluations with real-time feedback results
  • Display accepted abstracts and digital posters
  • Use our Audience Response Tool during lectures to promote crowd participation

Meeting Information For Attendees Anytime and Anywhere.

  • View Schedule

    Quickly view your meeting’s itinerary using our real-time program scheduler.

  • Claim CME

    Easily administer quizzes and provide certificates for accreditation.

  • Evaluate Meeting

    Complete general meeting evaluations or unique surveys for each event.

  • Purchase Tickets

    Get your tickets for special events straight from the program.

  • View Posters

    Seamlessly upload digital posters with our step-by-step instructions.

  • Submit Real-Time Responses

    Give your attendees the capability to participate using their smartphone.

Want to take a tour through a Mobile Meeting Guide in action? Contact us today, we’d be happy to show you how this system can work for you.